According to PUEBCO, these aprons are crafted from retired fabric that was once part of military tents. In specific regions of northern India where there is a significant military presence, surplus materials are frequently allocated to nearby cities. It's quite common to spot fabric in various colors, such as green for jungle environments, beige for desert settings, and white for snowy mountains, which were originally utilized for different battlefields. The sheer abundance of fabric caught our attention at PUEBCO, and particularly touching was observing workers incorporating surplus items into their wardrobe without considering their intended purpose. We distinctly remember a man using a sheet meant for sleeping on a train as a turban instead, which had an unexpectedly cool appearance. In order to obtain a large tent, we thoroughly cleaned it and carefully cut around the metal eyelets and windows to avoid damaging the fabric. On occasion, smaller segments of fabric were sewn together to create one larger piece, resulting in each apron being unique.
Vintage Tent Fabric Apron